Sunday, 31 March 2013

Artbox Raid

I ended up finding the Artbox website and wow, there was some very nice things on there. Due to it being payday I made an order for some things.

Artbox order
You can see I did order quite a bit, this lot should last me a while (the operative word being should)

Washi tape (thought these were quite sweet)

Sticky notes (I thought the bear was good and the mini ones I can use for tv shows that I watch)

The 2 pencils were bought because of the design (I love London, and it had a Union Jack, and want to go to Paris)

Stickers, they had some great stickers, thought these would come in handy in brightening up my Filofax
Very chuffed with my order and will be ordering from Artbox again (have noticed some Rilakkuma notebooks  and tape that I might have to order next month)
Some of the stickers you will see in the coming weeks on the 'My Week' posts (Week 13 due tomorrow).
Thanks for tuning in.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Rymans / Paperchase

We took my stepson out to a fun day in the local town centre, and while I was there I did a little browsing and maybe a little spending (you can see it's payday)

Entered Rymans and found some nice stickers to add to my Filofax (grabbed some Santa's ready for December)
Ryman's Haul

Care Bears + Balloons
Fast Food + Care Bears
Had a nosy in Paperchase and found some stickers for birthdays (which is what I was after) and saw some nice sticky notes in the shape of french fries (I thought they were quite cute).

Paperchase Haul
Hearts, Rainbows, Santa
Crowns + Birthday messages


Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone, hope the Easter bunny brought you lots of Easter Eggs!!

Easter present off of my stepson

Cult Pens Raid

Thanks to Imy off of Imysworld for mentioning on her blog Cult Pens as I am in love, I have never seen that many pens in one place, and they have Schneider pens (I do love Schneider Pens - review coming in the future)
Cult pens haul
I have found my new favorite shop

Schneider Xpress Fineliner - Red+Green

Schneider Slider Ballpoint - Black, Blue and Orange

Schneider Slider Edge XB - Black +Blue

Schneider Slider Memo XB - Black

Free Schnieder Office Set

Free pen from Schneider - Which I will be passing on to my mum (I get my pen addiction from her)

As you can see I did buy quite a lot of pens (I'm a stationery addict, I admit it.)

OHTO Slide Smile Clips
I also saw these clips and thought they were quite quirky and added some to my basket to try out (any good and I'll buy some more).

Thanks for tuning in.


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Jack and the Giant Slayer 3D - My Thoughts

Me and my partner love a trip to the cinema and we went off to see Jack and the Giant Slayer 3D starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor, Ian McSHane, and Stanley Tucci.

Jack the Giant Slayer 3D
 It was a really good movie, and I found myself by the end of the movie on the edge of my seat with my fingers crossed rooting for Jack to make it.

Nicholas Hoult was fantastic as Jack, he was quite funny, but I have to admit Ewan McGregor was brilliant, he stole the show as Elmont.

If you like a movie with a bit of escapism, you'll like this movie.

Another surprise while at the cinema we got a 2for1 voucher, which we will be using as there is some good movies coming out soon.

Thanks for tuning in

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

What's in my bag?

I have been looking at other blogs on the internet and came across the 'What's in my bag?' post on a couple of these sites (Paperlovestory and Imysworld) and thought what is actually in my bag? I seem to carry an obscene amount of things in my bag.

So here is what is in my bag:


Small Blue shoulder bag from Primark

I bought this bag last month as I wanted to downsize, and thought a smaller bag might help.

The view inside my bag
You can see in the above picture my filofax poking out (it takes pride of place in my bag)

Top Row: pocket tissues, vintage jack Filofax, Deodorant, hand sanitiser, purse, chewing gum, M&M's lip balm, nail kit. Bottom Row: Eeyore keyring (it broke off of my bag), Kindle, Pencil case, gaviscon, Plaster, Palmers dark chocolate and mint lip butter, ginger sparkle hand cream, and panadol

The above picture is just one half of what I carry, which is way too much.

Book light, Lime twist lip balm, Ipod, Keys, Inhaler (i always have a blocked nose), So daring perfume, Burt's Bees lip balm, Blistex lip balm, Umbrella, mints, soft mints, hairbrush, hair bobbles, bookmark, earphones.
The oddest item in my bag, and I think you will wonder about is the book light, I'm always reading so if I'm traveling in the car at night I have my book light so I can catch up with my reading (I am trying to read 100 books this year)

 Thanks for tuning in


Monday, 25 March 2013

Obsessions, Part 1: Lip Balm

As you can gather I love stationery, but another of my biggest vices (of which I have many) is lip balm. I have really dry lips and living in the North East of England the weather doesn't exactly help.

Lip Balm collection
 I've never really counted them, but I know I love to be able to have the choice of which one I want to use.

All in it's glory
 As you can see I have so many to choose from, but I love them all.

My top 5 at the moment are:

Cranberry Joy Lip Balm
Cranberry Joy Lip Balm - The Body Shop

I love this lip balm, it has such a nice smell and reminds me of Christmas still (it was part of their Christmas collection), it also doesn't make your lips go claggy.

Raspberry Lemonade Blast - Blistex
Raspberry Lemonade Blast - Blistex

This is a very good lip balm and smells fantastic, a good summery lip balm that helps to chase away the winter blues (and at the moment with the weather the spring blues).

Raspberry Rose Lip Butter - Nivea
Raspberry Rose Lip Butter - Nivea

Love the smell I could smell this all day, only problem is its a tin lip balm and if I'm on the go then it is a bit of a faff to put it on.

Lime Twist - Carmex
Lime Twist - Carmex

This is a really good summery lip balm, with the all to familiar carmex tingle.

M&M's Lip Smacker

M&M's Lip Smacker

What can I say it's chocolate, I got this from M&M's world on my last trip to London, and keep it in my coat pocket so if I need a lip balm quickly it's already there in my coat pocket.

There you a somewhat quick glance into my lip balms (which I think I need to have on rotation so they all get used)

Thanks for tuning in


My Week: Week 12

Welcome to My Week #12

As you can see from the image below it was a somewhat busy week.
Had meetings at work 1 of which was cancelled, the other two went ahead. Had my friends birthday on Thursday, I got her a bottle of blood orange vodka with 22 carat gold leaf inside (I wonder if she's going to drink it). Took my stepson and goddaughter out to the cinema to see Monsters Inc (I cried at the end) which I'd forgotten just how good that film was.

Tune in next Monday for Week 13.

Thanks for tuning in


Sunday, 24 March 2013

World Book Night 2013

Last year I participated in a charity event called World Book Night and absolutely loved the whole experience and would recommend it to anyone.

This year World Book Night takes place on 23rd April 2013, and I am over the moon to be taking part again by giving out Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman.

It is a brilliant cause, and one that is sure to be another brilliant night.

Go and visit the website (linked above) for more information on this wonderful charity.

Thanks for tuning in


Saturday, 23 March 2013

First foray into Filofax template making

I decided to have a go at making my own insert for my Filofax. I decided on an ingredient list as me and my partner are always cooking or baking something and with Easter coming up its always a good thing to have to jot down the ingredients that you might need.

Thanks to Philiofaxy for the advice sheet on how to print pages for the personal Filofax they helped immensely.

As you can see I had some mishaps with printing and was close to giving up with the whole thing

My first 3 mistakes (Doh!)
So when I'd nearly given up with the whole thing I had a eureka moment and managed to print it of and make it double sided.

The finished template

This should come in handy when I'm needing to go shopping for ingredients.

Thanks for tuning in.


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Wrapping skills!

Off to visit a friend and drop off Easter eggs and her birthday pressie.

Quite chuffed with the wrapping even though it was such an odd shape - I got some nearly mad skills when it comes to wrapping presents

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Papermate InkJoy - And what a joy they are!!

I was in Staples a while ago and picked up a pack of the Papermate InkJoy 500 RT, I picked these up because I liked the design.
Papermate InkJoy 500 RT - Blue
And I am so glad I did these are now my new obsession, they write brilliantly and so smoothly, seriously it's love.

This meant I then had to have a nosy at the rest of the InkJoy range and found the 700RT.

700 RT
These write brilliantly as well, it must be just the InkJoy range, these are now joining my list of favourite pens (and fair enough it is a long list, but they are definitely at the top).

So welcome InkJoy to a long hard slog of Book journal entries, bashing about in my bag, nearly being swiped at work, and being lost under the bed in a mad dash to find my work uniform.

Thanks for tuning in.


Staples Raid

Due to my partner getting a new car an impromptu trip was made which ended up with me in Staples feeding my stationery demon.

I ended up buying pens (Papermate have become my new obsession), as well as being nosy at the Martha Stewart range (which isn't as expensive as I thought it would be).
As you can see this was a massive raid, if I was allowed to keep going I could have happily cleared the store of stock.

Managed to get some great bargains (which I was surprised at), grabbed some more rings for the ARC system as well as a ruler insert (which is a new addition and wasn't in store a couple of weeks ago).

A lot of the items at least will have many uses and not just with the ARC notebooks, but in my book journal (to give it some colour), and in my Filofax (might help me remember more things if it's all bright and wonderful).

Thanks for tuning in


Filofax (It's a Union Jack)

During the day I use a Filofax to keep me on the straight and narrow when it comes to planning my day, week, month, and year (I can never remember birthdays, main issue), and I have been using this pocket red one that I got a couple of years ago, and yes it was from an Avon catalogue so no specific brand that I know of (if there was I wasn't paying that much attention).

Pocket Red Filofax
I was in Staples the other day and came across the Vintage Personal Union Jack Filofax for £10 and thought, A: this can't be real, and B: OMFG I need this as it is a Union Jack (I love Union Jacks)

Personal Vintage Union Jack (I Love Love Love It)

So welcome to the new Filofax which is now going to be the prize of my bag (and any usurper filofax has to be pretty damn good to beat this)

Thanks for tuning in.


Paperchase/ Rymans

Just been shopping and I entered Paperchase (I should never be allowed in that shop) and I bought some new stationery to use for my notebooks.

I saw on YouTube a women making notebooks out of old cards and postcards so I saw these and thought they would be good additions to my notebook arsenal.

Thanks for tuning in


Welcome to My Simple Life

Welcome to my simple life, on here you will find me posting about anything and everything. I've tried blogging years ago during university and never really stuck with it.

I have created another blog but some of the things I was posting wasn't fitting in with the theme of that blog (mainly about the ARC system of notebooks and creating new ones), so I already had this one added and thought I would make this a blog about anything and everything, leaving the other blog to deal with the ARC's

Thanks for tuning in and be ready for a lot more posts
