Saturday, 23 March 2013

First foray into Filofax template making

I decided to have a go at making my own insert for my Filofax. I decided on an ingredient list as me and my partner are always cooking or baking something and with Easter coming up its always a good thing to have to jot down the ingredients that you might need.

Thanks to Philiofaxy for the advice sheet on how to print pages for the personal Filofax they helped immensely.

As you can see I had some mishaps with printing and was close to giving up with the whole thing

My first 3 mistakes (Doh!)
So when I'd nearly given up with the whole thing I had a eureka moment and managed to print it of and make it double sided.

The finished template

This should come in handy when I'm needing to go shopping for ingredients.

Thanks for tuning in.


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